Research Atelier

Research is a global topic, especially in energy technology. Hardly any other technical system is as large and extends across so many national borders as the European interconnected grid. A global view is necessary to be able to achieve our climate policy goals. This is why regular international exchange in energy technology research is so important. 

This is exactly the aim of the Research Atelier, which is organized annually by the Working Group Networks and Energy Systems within the framework of the International Week at HSBI. Current topics such as the integration of AI systems or the decarbonization of the energy sector in general are dealt with. The intensive exchange between researchers and industry worldwide aims at the scientific discourse among experts and strengthens the international research work as well as the transfer between research and industry. 

The Research Atelier will continue to take place annually in order to consolidate an international exchange on energy technology topics.

Impressions of the previous Research Ateliers: